Installing phpBB3 on a local or shared remote server

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Installing phpBB3 on a local or shared remote server

Post by darknkreepy3# »

install phpBB-3.0.5 by Kristoffe Brodeur. ©2009 All Rights Reserved.
install to localhost ( etc

localhost folder for the htdocs may have just one website or tons of websites in a folder each.
To make sure that many websites can all use their own phpBB2 database and secured accounts from

just append the website name to each example where an * is shown.

mysql database and user setup

1. access the mysql cmd prompt and enter the MySQL admin password
'Test5432!' for example

2. create a database 'phpbb3_*' where * is the website name
supercala website example
mysql>CREATE DATABASE phpBB3_supercala;

3. check the database creation with
show databases;

it should at least list as

+Database +
|phpbb3_supercala |

4. create a secured account with a user and password for the website's phpBB2 use

supercala website example (user name no longer than 16 characters including

'@localhost' if used!)
mysql>CREATE USER '112fa'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Fort4321!';
b. grant all rights on the database and all tables inside it .*
mysql>GRANT ALL on phpbb3_112fa.* TO '112fa'@'localhost';

5. now finish with

download and install phpBB3

1. find the .zip package and download it (
download phpBB 3.0.5 (download stable release)

2. extract the .zip file to the forum directory, any name and subfolder will work within reason
creating whatever parent folders like 'mS' that may not exist including 'forum'.

supercala example

....|_____forum <<unzip to here

3. goto a browser and start the index.php file in the forum folder

supercala example (only on local computer inaccessible from the internet)

4. enter the valid information in the above steps

5. create an admin name and password in the steps for administrative phpbb3 purposes
*to simplify things, use the same user name and password as the database user in step #4
making remembering easier.
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