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windows 7 acpi stop due to cracks

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:09 am
by darknkreepy3#
so you like windows 7 and thought a friend who gave you a generic slic loader crack did you a favor. then suddenly you get a flashing screen stating something you cannot read it reboots so quickly. if you restart with f8 pressed continually you will reach the white text screen asking you about safe mode and so forth. choose to not restart after a critical error etc, and you just might find your generic 'fix' is really useless. go into 'safe mode' and uninstall your 'loader' and return to the legit version of win 7, it is worth it. xp was great, vista was purposefully engineered to suck, and win7 is a new breed of ms engineer made to rekindle 90s faith in os redmond.

remember, generic use of push and play cracks are exactly how you'll crash your system and get infected as well. more than ever you os is vitally important to run cleanly, think ahead not for the present day only.

and never buy apple. ever.