SUPERCALA | Programming | Flash & MySQL
Photo Gallery Uploader, Management, and Image Resizer
This is a photo gallery manager for multiple galleries, and photo resizer with automatic thumbnail creation. The resize and thumbnail sizes are able to be custom set per gallery and settings are saved in a remote data file. A preview gallery system allows for management and removal of images as well.
WYSIWYG Back End ties to MySQL
WYSIWYG interface for VOX INC, so they can modify their front end flash content in the backend with a true representation of the material in a flash swf. It is connected to MySQL with PHP and AJAX, and allows a simple GUI interface to add, remove, and sort the items in the BIO list. Image uploading is another module in flash that resizes any image sent for the front end per person via GD2.
Dynamic Flash Form Creator
Flash doesn't have built in form creation in AS2, even AS3, so without resorting to html rendering in a text window, a completely custom form creation and interactive GUI was created. A radio button routine from checkboxes was created for a better feel, and the entire data stream was stored as POST variables to PHP via comma and caret deliniation (,^) for subarrays of information, similar to JSON. A backend sendmail routine can send css designed HTML and store the form's data in a MySQL table.
Simple Remote Image Manager
Support me as an artist, friend. Paypal me a few bucks and I will thank you from the bottom of my soul. Looks around, wonders if that was a good idea to say. Support me, I support you.
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